Smart privacy pro
Smart privacy pro

smart privacy pro

Privacy Technologies for Smart Grids – A Survey of Options.

  • Marek Jawurek, Florian Kerschbaum, and George Danezis.
  • Differentially Private Billing with Rebates.
  • George Danezis, Markulf Kohlweiss, and Alfredo Rial.
  • Privacy Enhancing Technologies – 11th International Symposium, PETS 2011, Waterloo, ON, Canada, July 27-29, 2011.

    smart privacy pro

    Klaus Kursawe, George Danezis, Markulf Kohlweiss: Privacy-Friendly Aggregation for the Smart-Grid.Proceedings of the 2011 ACM Workshop on Privacy in the Electronic Society, WPES 2011, Chicago, USA, October 17, 2008. Slides: Privacy friendly computations ( ppt, pdf).Slides: Introduction to privacy-friendly smart-metering: computations & aggregation ( ppt, pdf).Privacy-friendly smart metering - A guide for meter manufacturers.Privacy technology options for smart metering - a white paper.Executive summary of Privacy-friendly smart metering technology ( pdf, doc).Our protocols are generic enough to be used in other settings such as pay-as-you-drive car insurance, electronic traffic pricing and on-line services billing. The sum of readings, as well as their mean and variance, can be computed in real-time, without revealing individual meter readings. Microsoft Research has developed privacy technologies that allow the direct aggregation of encrypted meter readings. Cryptographic mechanisms protect the privacy of the data and the correctness of the computations even when performed on customer devices.Įnergy industry processes, such as settlement, monitoring, financial forecasting, transmission network development or demand response, require real-time aggregates of readings across populations of meters. These privacy-friendly computations can include time-of-use bills, settlement values, fraud detection flags, or usage profiles. In brief, smart-meters transmit encrypted certified meter readings, that are processed by any customer device (smart phone, web browser, home gateway, personal computer) to compute the information required, and further provide them to authorised parties. Microsoft Research has developed technologies that allow for these computations to be executed without the need for customers to disclose raw meter readings.

    smart privacy pro

    Information computed on the basis of fine-grained smart-meter readings has multiple uses within the energy industry, including billing, providing energy advice, settlement, forecasting, demand response, and fraud detection.

    Smart privacy pro